
My Story

Felicia Jones

I’m Felicia Jones, a banking industry professional turned CBD market specialist. My journey began in the fast-paced world of banking in 2016, where I quickly recognized the untapped potential and unique challenges faced by Cannabis businesses in securing financial services. Driven by a passion for both industries and an eagerness to educate, I’ve since dedicated myself to this niche, aiming to create a seamless bridge between Cannabis entrepreneurs and the banking services they need to thrive.

My blog serves as a platform for education, advocacy, and community-building. Here, I share insights drawn from my professional experiences, offer advice on navigating the complex regulatory landscapes, and highlight the successes of Cannabis businesses in integrating with mainstream financial systems. My mission is to empower, inform, and support the growth of the CBD market within the banking industry, all while fostering a community of like-minded individuals and businesses.

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